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Greenisland Primary School, Greenisland, Carrickfergus

It’s beginning to feel like Christmas! πŸŽ„

25th Nov 2022

Primary 2 have been learning a lot through their topic ‘Animal Antics’. They have been investigating which animals hibernate and always have lots of questions to ask! They love to learn.

They have also been learning about Adjectives and have been taking their learning into the ICT suite where they have produced some fabulous work. 

In Maths they have starting subtracting, learning about odd and even numbers and have been recapping all the 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. They got to make Christmas pictures this week with our student Miss McGookin out of 2D shapes, which they really enjoyed.

Christmas arts and crafts are also well underway. We love Christmas!

More photos to come! πŸŽ„