
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
Welcome to our school website! I hope you will take the time to look around and see all of the wonderful things we get up to in Greenisland Primary School.
Greenisland Primary School lies at the heart of the Greenisland community overlooked by green fields and Knockagh Monument. We are a large school with over four hundred pupils, each one treated as an individual, each one a treasured and valuable member of our Greenisland family.
Pupils are at the heart of our school community. It will be within that community ethos that future friendships will be made. Your child will be celebrated, will be valued as a person, and will learn skills that will lead them to success in a whole range of activities. We hope that your child will feel happy and secure within such a supportive environment, and will feel excited and confident in their education.
Our teaching and non-teaching staff teams are child-centred, talented, dedicated and highly skilled. We offer the very best learning and teaching experiences, encouraging all children to reach their potential, whilst being bolstered and encouraged throughout their school journey. We have a great reputation for music, sport, drama and much, much more!
We look forward to your child being part of our school and to the contribution we can make together.
With best wishes,
Mrs T Falls
Greenisland Primary School, 8 Upper Station Rd, Greenisland, Carrickfergus BT38 8RA
Phone: 028 9086 2940